Technology facilitated abuse – what you need to know

Advances in technology and the use of social media have led to an increase in technology-assisted violence and abuse. Social media, texting, email, and surveillance devices can be used by domestic violence perpetrators as methods and tools to stalk, harass, and abuse...

Elder Abuse

It’s hard to imagine that somebody would harm, intimidate or take advantage of an aged and vulnerable person. Unfortunately, however, elder abuse occurs within our society and sadly, the perpetrators are often those entrusted with caring for our older generation....

Family law and financial abuse

Financial abuse occurs where a person uses systematic coercion to control another family member’s access to money or assets, whether the victim of the financial abuse is currently in, or was in, an intimate relationship with the perpetrator. Financial abuse is...
Co-parenting with a Narcissistic ex partner

Co-parenting with a Narcissistic ex partner

For those of you who have experienced this phenomenon you will most likely be thinking – no way it can’t be done!!! Narcissism whilst rarely formerly diagnosed is prevalent in our society and certainly something that Family Lawyers are noticing more and more in their...
The warning signs of Coercive Control

The warning signs of Coercive Control

Coercive control is a lesser known but dangerous form of domestic violence. Coercive control involves a pattern of behaviours employed by the perpetrator that are controlling, humiliating and threatening, with the intention to intimidate, frighten and punish the...
Have You Disclosed Everything?

Have You Disclosed Everything?

Following the breakdown of a relationship, there is often a lot of mistrust between parties and this is particularly relevant where one party thinks that the other party is trying to hide some of their assets. In a family law property settlement, the most important...