The 2015/2016 Government Budget proposes two key measures, namely:

  1. Formation of a single administrative body. This will be achieved by merging the administrative functions of the Family Court and Federal Circuit Court of Australia with the Federal Court of Australia from 1 July 2016. This will allow each court to continue to function independently in its practice however all administrative functions will be streamlined allowing for a more efficient system.
  2. Changes to the fee structure of the the Family Court, Federal Circuit Court and Federal Court of Australia from 1 July 2015. For instance, the fee for an Application for Divorce which is currently $845.00 will increase. The specific changes to fees will not be available until 1 July 2015. The increased fees will raise $87.4 million over 4 years.

Further measures in the Budget include:

  1. Addition of $22.5 million over 4 years to the Family Court, Federal Circuit Court and Federal Court of Australia in order to strengthen their financial positions and improve their capacity to provide services.
  2. National Awareness campaign focused on reducing family violence against women and children – $16.7 million has been allocated over 3 years from 2015/2016. This is part of a joint Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreement for a $30 million campaign.
  3. Establish an inter-country adoption support service – $33.7 million has been allocated over five years from 2014/2015.
  4. Ceasing the Stronger Relationships Trial from 9 February 2015 – saving of $17.2 million.
  5. There are no new increases or decreases to legal assistance funding.