Why do I need to be supervised when I see my child?

Why do I need to be supervised when I see my child?

Supervised contact or supervised time is where a parent’s time with their children is supervised by a third party. The purpose of supervision is to allow the parent/child relationship to be maintained whilst ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the child. Supervised...
The warning signs of Coercive Control

The warning signs of Coercive Control

Coercive control is a lesser known but dangerous form of domestic violence. Coercive control involves a pattern of behaviours employed by the perpetrator that are controlling, humiliating and threatening, with the intention to intimidate, frighten and punish the...
Mediation & Arbitration – the future of Family Law?

Mediation & Arbitration – the future of Family Law?

If you know someone who has had their family law matter settled through the courts system then you will undoubtedly have heard that the process can be costly, long and the wait times frustrating. The reasons for these difficulties are twofold. Firstly, the Family...
What happens when your ex-partner squanders your assets?

What happens when your ex-partner squanders your assets?

Unfortunately, many separations end in disputes over money. A common situation that arises when trying to resolve family law property matters is when your husband or wife makes a considerable dent in the family finances by squandering assets or racking up additional...
Was it a loan or a gift? Big difference!

Was it a loan or a gift? Big difference!

Housing affordability is a big issue for young Australians. For those lucky enough to have parents able to help them into the property market, careful thought should be given to how that money will be treated if the recipient separates from his or her spouse or de...