How do I sign my Family Law documents during COVID-19?

How do I sign my Family Law documents during COVID-19?

A few weeks ago, we published an article about the Family Courts remaining open but implementing social distancing procedures, including the electronic filing of documents and appearances by telephone or video link. However, the requirement for social distancing has...
Should I Settle my Family Law Property Matter during COVID-19?

Should I Settle my Family Law Property Matter during COVID-19?

People are concerned about the possible implications of finalising a property settlement during the current global pandemic. This is because we are all living in a time of uncertainty however, you should not let the current situation with COVID-19 stop you from being...


We are living in an unprecedented time and COVID-19 is impacting all of our daily lives. There is added stress and anxiety for separated parents as they try to navigate co-parenting arrangements during the current restrictions imposed on us that are changing almost...
How Can I Change my Parenting Orders?

How Can I Change my Parenting Orders?

We all know that our lives and circumstances can change. It is common for our firm to be asked about changing Final Court Orders when there has been a change in our client’s lives or circumstances. Unfortunately, however, it is not always a straight forward exercise....
The Consequences of not Complying with Family Law Orders

The Consequences of not Complying with Family Law Orders

When a Court makes orders for a parenting matter, they are binding on all parties and each party must comply with the orders. If someone does not comply with an order, they are considered to be in breach of a Court order and there are serious consequences, unless that...