Family Law… Important Change Is Coming!

Family Law… Important Change Is Coming!

Some exciting news was delivered in late September this year when the Attorney-General of Australia announced that over the next two years, there will be the first ever major review of the Family Law Act and the Family Law system more broadly. This announcement is...
What’s Involved in a Property Settlement?

What’s Involved in a Property Settlement?

A Family Law property settlement should be fair to both parties and recognise the contributions made by each party, and also each party’s future needs. The Family Law Courts adopt a four-step approach to determining an appropriate property settlement. These four steps...
Have You Disclosed Everything?

Have You Disclosed Everything?

Following the breakdown of a relationship, there is often a lot of mistrust between parties and this is particularly relevant where one party thinks that the other party is trying to hide some of their assets. In a family law property settlement, the most important...