Separating couples involved in a family law property settlement are often under emotional and financial pressure. When one or both parties are involved in a business, this can add additional stress and complexity to the division of property. A business interest,...
An estate plan involves more than signing a Will and leaving it in a safe place. An effective estate plan requires consideration of several matters and ongoing review to ensure it reflects your testamentary wishes and covers unexpected events. In this article we look...
There are many misconceptions about when two people will be considered to be in a defacto relationship. A common belief is that two people will be considered defacto after they have been living together as a couple for two years. Whilst this definition is not...
The steps involved in determining how property is divided after the breakdown of a relationship generally include: identifying the assets, liabilities and financial resources of the parties; assessing the parties’ financial and non-financial contributions;...
Cryptocurrency consists of encrypted digital forms of currency not distributed by banks. It also goes by the name of ‘cryptocurrency’. A popular example of a cryptocurrency is Bitcoin. As cryptocurrencies become more commonly used around the world, so too will their...
As of 1 September 2021, the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia merged to form one Court known as the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (FCFCOA). A number of changes were introduced with this merger, including the...