We all know that our lives and circumstances can change. It is common for our firm to be asked about changing Final Court Orders when there has been a change in our client’s lives or circumstances. Unfortunately, however, it is not always a straight forward exercise....
When a Court makes orders for a parenting matter, they are binding on all parties and each party must comply with the orders. If someone does not comply with an order, they are considered to be in breach of a Court order and there are serious consequences, unless that...
It is a significant life decision when a married couple decides to purchase a property together and as part of that process you and your partner will need to decide what type of ownership you want to have over the property. The two most common types of property...
Where there parenting matters that are in dispute and there are proceedings before the Court, a Court can issue an Order obligating the parties and the children to attend an appointment held by a psychologist, psychiatrist or social worker for the purpose of obtaining...
Legal jargon can be confusing. At East Coast Family Lawyers we aim to use ‘plain English’ with our clients, but there is certain terminology used by the Courts that can leave you wondering what it all means. Here are some of the most commonly used terms in Family...