Am I in a Defacto Relationship and How do I Protect my Assets?
There are many misconceptions about when two people will be considered to be in a defacto relationship. A common belief is that two people will be considered defacto after they have been living together as a couple for two years. Whilst this definition is not necessarily wrong, it is not the only criteria used to… Read More

You’ve lost a loved one – what is next?
When a loved one dies, there are many practical and legal considerations for the family or friends of the deceased. Below is a brief guide to the some of the important considerations in the administration of the deceased estate. The first step is to determine whether the deceased left a will. The will sets out… Read More
Windfalls and family law property settlements
The steps involved in determining how property is divided after the breakdown of a relationship generally include: identifying the assets, liabilities and financial resources of the parties; assessing the parties’ financial and non-financial contributions; evaluating the parties’ respective future needs; determining a financial settlement that is, in all circumstances, just and equitable. This is the… Read More